“In service for you” is the brand message of VARTA Consumer Batteries. And this message applies to more than just products and services. As a reliable partner in all situations in life, the traditional company from Ellwangen wants to stand by its customers and support them across national borders. That’s why VARTA this spring launched the charity campaign “VARTA Helps” to do good in cooperation with charitable organizations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
From generation to generation during the more than 130 years of the company’s history, VARTA’s products have accompanied countless families around the world. Batteries “made in Germany” first bring children’s favorite toys to life. And after those kids have grown up, VARTA’s power banks, flashlights and chargers accompany them in adult life. The family, as the greatest good for every human being, is naturally in the foreground for VARTA Consumer Batteries. But not every family experiences the same opportunities or living situation. Many families face big challenges that affect nutrition or their children’s education. This is why VARTA Consumer Batteries is launching its “VARTA Helps” initiative, which works together with various organizations to combat a variety of injustices:
VARTA Consumer Batteries DACH/Sweden supports PLAN International in Cambodia
Situated in the southern region of the Asian continent, the Kingdom of Cambodia is encircled by Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and the Gulf of Thailand. After peace agreements and restructuring in the early 1990s, Cambodia has developed into one of the world’s fastest growing economies. But malnutrition, poverty and lack of education remain widespread here, especially among children and young people. Plan International’s “Preventing Malnutrition” project, which strives to improve this situation, will be supported by VARTA Consumer Batteries DACH and Sweden from autumn onwards with a total of 45,000 euros. The collaboration is initially scheduled to last one and a half years.

© Plan International
VARTA Consumer Batteries supports the holistic and sustainable work of the PLAN International aid organization. In addition to proactively combating malnutrition, other objectives of the “Preventing Malnutrition” project in Cambodia are to set up kindergartens, improve water supply and sanitation, and train and educate parents, educators and health personnel to promote comprehensive early-childhood development and medical care.
VARTA Consumer Batteries Finland collaborates with “Pelastakaa Lapset” to help needy children
Children are supposedly the weakest members of society, but our future weighs indirectly on their shoulders. Kids are all too often disregarded or ignored, which makes it all the more important to stand up for the rights of the next generation. That’s why “Pelasakaa Lapset,” as the Finnish “Save the Children” organization is called, will be supported this winter by VARTA Consumer Batteries Finland with donations from the sale of limited-edition battery packs. “Save the Children” is actively committed in over 120 countries to ensuring that children grow up in a sheltered setting, that they can develop in a safe environment and that their rights are respected.
VARTA Consumer Batteries France makes children’s dreams come true
Ever greater numbers of children and adolescents unfortunately suffer from severe and sometimes incurable diseases. Complex and costly treatments or surgeries leave young patients and their families with few financial or health-related resources to make children’s (last) wishes come true. The “Make a Wish Foundation,” which was founded in 1980, is dedicated to improving this situation. The organization grants the wishes of children and adolescents between the ages of three and 17 who are suffering from life-threatening illnesses. VARTA helps with its limited-edition battery pack campaign: part of the proceeds from each pack’s sale is donated directly to the “Make a Wish Foundation.” To genuinely be a child for one last time, to do something for which the possibilities or the courage were lacking, or to meet their greatest idols face to face: “Make a Wish” grants these and other wishes for ailing kids.
Recuperation thanks to VARTA Consumer Batteries Italy
Complete recuperation is the most important project after a lengthy illness and its treatment. To help the body regain its strength, the nonprofit organization "”Dynamo Camp,” which was founded by Paul Newman in 2010, offers free, professional recuperative therapy for children in Italy. This includes diverse activities such as climbing, swimming, crafts, dancing and much more, always supervised by trained medical personnel. VARTA Consumer Batteries Italy, together with everyone who purchases a limited-edition VARTA Longlife Power battery pack, helps the “Dynamo Camp” and thus enables courageous children to recover from their battles against disease.
VARTA Consumer Batteries Romania believes in the universal language of sport
We all remember from our childhood days how sport magically connects people of all ages – because what counts on the playing field is not a person’s background, bank account or physical condition, but a shared goal. This is why VARTA Consumer Batteries Romania supports the Romanian Paralympics Committee with the VARTA Helps campaign. The goal is not only to encourage people with disabilities to participate in sports, but also to decisively stand up against all forms of discrimination and to assure equal opportunities for disabled people. Each blister pack in the campaign helps to promote the inclusion of disabled people in society and sport.
Help for mothers in South Africa
The Middle East / Africa region of VARTA Consumer Batteries is also actively involved in the VARTA Helps campaign and supports the “Helping Hand Trust” in South Africa. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to mothers whose children were born in urban hospitals but are unable to receive basic medical care. The “Helping Hand Trust” invests the donations in vaccinations, crucial medical examinations and other health-related services.
And the scope of VARTA Helps is not limited solely to human beings. The well-being of nature and wildlife is also a major component of the initiative.
VARTA Consumer Batteries combats poaching in Namibia
Namibia’s diverse landscape includes pristine wilderness areas and abundant wildlife. These attractions make the southern African nation into a popular tourist destination. But this seeming paradise is gravely jeopardized by poaching. This is why for several years already VARTA Consumer Batteries Namibia has actively supported various organizations that combat poaching. VARTA’s assistance includes providing products such as flashlights and batteries. In addition, VARTA’s local representative Harald Bartsch has been making songs and videos since 2016 to focus attention on the fight against poaching. The video “The Journey Beyond – VARTA 2017” achieved more than 140,000 hits on Facebook and was shown for educational purposes in many different institutions and at major national events. Last year, Harald Bartsch produced “Cry Mother Africa,” a new song that underscores efforts by VARTA Consumer Batteries Namibia to support the anti-poaching movement. The ongoing battle against poaching continues energetically in 2019.
Everyone can help
VARTA Consumer Batteries also supports its charitable campaigns with communications at the point of sale. Freestanding “VARTA Helps” displays in stores attract consumers’ attention and encourage them to participate. Further information about the projects in the various countries can be accessed on the “VARTA Helps” landing page (www.varta-consumer-helps.com), which gratefully accepts donations to support all worthwhile projects across Europe.
Further information can be found at
www.varta-consumer.com and on VARTA Consumer’s official
Facebook page.
VARTA AG produces and markets a comprehensive battery portfolio, ranging from microbatteries, household batteries, energy storage systems to customer-specific battery solutions for a wide range of applications, and, as a technology leader, sets industry standards in key areas. As the parent company of the Group, it operates in the business segments “Microbatteries & Solutions” and “Household Batteries”.
The “Microbatteries & Solutions” segment focuses on the OEM business for microbatteries as well as on the lithium-ion battery pack business. Through intensive research and development, VARTA sets global standards in the microbattery sector and is a recognized innovation leader in the important growth markets of lithium-ion technology and primary hearing aid batteries. The “Household Batteries” segment comprises the battery business for end customers, including household batteries, rechargeable batteries, chargers, portable power (power banks) and lights as well as energy storage devices. The VARTA AG Group currently employs almost 4,000 people. With five production and manufacturing facilities in Europe and Asia, and distribution centers in Asia, Europe and the USA, VARTA AG’s operating subsidiaries are currently active in over 75 countries worldwide.